Monday 26 December 2016


Was thinking about the fun and frustrations of being a natural-haired individual and decided to post a write-up on the "Things Naturalistas Can Identify With". 

  1. Deciding On Whether To Transition or Big Chop: This is one of the minor challenges most naturalistas face...they are confused as to whether to 'transition' or to 'bc (big chop)', and most people think one enhances fast hair growth, but to my own understanding, both lead to the same destination. Though i would prefer bc over transitioning, which is what i chose when i decided on my natural hair journey. BC enables you to get rid of the damaged ends and the chemically-altered hair strands. However, most people prefer transitioning, because then they wouldn't have to cut off their long/short hair, whichever way, i believe both lead to the same hair growth.

  2. Shrinkage: Hughhhh...this is one major challenge as a naturalista. The most annoying part of shrinkage is when you come across someone who knew you had a long hair and the person is like, hey...why is your so short??? Why did you cut it off??? It doesn't suit you! Please keep your reply to your self.

  3. Bad Hair Day: We all have experienced that one day that your hair will be disobedient and refuse to look good on any style. No matter how cute you always look on mohawk, your hair just won't budge to the style. Sista, please pack the hair into a bun and rock it.

  4. Tangling: Yeah...those tangles are definitely one enemy of a naturalista, and can't be avoided easily, so we dive into spending money, time and energy on detangling.

  5. Big Chopping: Amidst growing our hair, there are some times when you just want to cut off all that hair and start all over again (we think if we do this, the hair might grow faster and longer), but no, it all depends on your hair's current phase, growth, shedding, and the likes.

  6. Envy: just can't deny feeling this at least once, you will surely meet someone with a longer natural hair than you (and could possibly start later than you did), so you will think, "hmmm, i think hers grew faster because she put in more time and treatment". So definitely, you will feel a tinge of envy, if you find yourself in this situation, don't think you are being abnormal, but let go of your envy, and learn from the other person's experience and work towards yours...

  7. Temptation To Perm: Finally, this is the one feeling that crowns all others, at times, you just feel frustrated, maybe because of the tangling, bad hair day, shrinkage or the likes, and then you start thinking "If i perm my hair, it would still grow and even look longer, and i wouldn't have to deal with detangling, time wastage on treatment, and the likes, i think i should go for it", but you wouldn't still have the mind to perm it, why? Because you love your natural hair, being a natural-haired individual is a really cool thing and makes you self-confident and also boosts your ego, it commands respect from most people (that is if you know how to handle it well), so whenever you find yourself wanting to perm that hair, just forego the thoughts and think about the advantages of being a naturalista. #wink. Then you would get over perming and love your hair even the more.

All of the above write-ups are most of the major challenges that most naturalista's experience, but we are able to deal with them.

Did i forget to add any? Drop them in the comment box below!!!

Have Fun While Merrily Celebrating Christ's Birth and Happily Celebrating The Come Of A New Year!!!

Naptural Teenager 

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