Showing posts with label Hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hair. Show all posts

Tuesday 20 June 2017


Recently, i got a mail from Ijeoma @klassykinks, and reading through her messages, i see me in her younger self, though there are some differences which i crossed out in the message as shown below - 

A couple weeks ago marked 7 years since I cut off all my relaxer and embraced my natural hair. It feels like forever ago, especially since so much has changed. Seven years ago, I was an insecure 19 year old in an abusive relationship who was afraid to ask questions in classes, gave up her love of writing because it didn't seem cool, and made decisions based on other people's thoughts and influences. (I've been thinking about doing these until now).

Monday 26 December 2016


Was thinking about the fun and frustrations of being a natural-haired individual and decided to post a write-up on the "Things Naturalistas Can Identify With". 


Tuesday 27 September 2016



I suppose the question on all of your minds is simply, how do I grow my natural afro hair long? By natural I mean your natural hair, long or short, broken or recently cut by a scissor happy hair dresser (can a get a amen?). Well one things for certain heat damaged, thinning hair is never going to be in fashion so better get these locks growing healthily. In order to help you on your journey to long flowing hair, compiled below are 10 Steps on How to Grow Your Natural Hair. Scroll on!!!

 Step One: What’s wrong with my hair?

First things first, to grow your hair long we need to identify; what is wrong with it? When hair appears to 'stop growing' its not because your hair follicles had a temper tantrum and decided enough is enough. It's caused by breakage of the ends of the hair meaning your hair appears to not be growing. Hair is growing all the time, the key is to preserve the ends so we can see the growth. Any number of factors can cause breakage, the most common being excessive heat use, lack of moisture, rough handling and hairstyles with too much tension.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

4 Ways To Use Beer For Thicker Natural Hair

Beer contains 4 to 6% alcohol and is the third most consumed drink in the world following water and tea. Apart from being an enjoyable beverage, beer is also a popular hair care product, providing numerous benefits to hair and skin. However, only a handful of people know that beer has loads of benefits for the hair if used in the right way. One of the many advantages of beer comes in the form of inducing hair growth. For those who are looking towards triggering hair growth, there is nothing better than adhering to this option, beer for hair growth. It is safe, simple to use as well as free from all kinds of side effects.

Along with vitamin B, the proteins found in malt and hops (which are active ingredients of beer) are said to repair damaged hair. The sucrose and maltose sugars present in beer tighten and strengthen hair cuticles for enhanced shine. The popular beverage is known to even help in controlling dry scalp along with improving the luster and quality of hair.

Is beer good for hair growth? To know the perfect way to use as well as the benefits associated with it, the guide below will help you out. All you need to do is follow it on a strict routine and see the positive results it gives you.

8 Ways To Detangle Your Hair And Shed Less Hair

Detangling is a crucial part of all hair care. Detangling is simply using a hair-care tool to comb or brush through your hair. This helps to remove tangles and shed hairs that can cause matting, knots, and ultimately, breakage. Detangling can also help with washing the hair, styling the hair, and distributing products throughout the hair.

Many naturals have hair growth goals, but are struggling with retaining length. Learning to properly detangle natural hair will ensure that you are not just breaking it off. It will also help with overall healthy hair care, as improper detangling can result in split ends and damaged cuticles. 

Here are some tips on detangling your hair without ripping it out:

Saturday 23 July 2016

TO - Beginners in Natural Hair Journey

In most cases, before you become a Naturalista you must have gone through a lot with your permed hair. Let's take for example, a friend had a very healthy hair (even when permed) during her secondary school days, until she wrote her Secondary School Examination, she stopped weaving her hair frequently as she used to, then "BAM" she began to experience hair breakage and loss. She was helpless because she wasn't used to focusing on her hair and she knew less about hair-care. She made some researches, but still no improvements.

She had a friend who was a Naturalista, she envied her friend's hair and became curious about the Natural Hair Journey, she made researches on it and really loved what going Natural will be like. She concluded she was going to go natural.

Reasons Why You Have Stunted / Slow Hair Growth

Many people crave healthy, thick, and long hair, and it is quite depressing when one’s hair stops growing. Unless your hair is damaged due to health issues or any chemical reactions, it should continue to grow.

Have you been trying to grow your hair longer for years, but it just seems to stop getting longer at a certain length? Have you tried every product possible to grow your hair faster but it’s just stalled out and stop growing at a particular point for no apparent reason? If your hair breaks off at an equal or higher rate than it grows, you’ll never see any length gains. Hair may show stagnant or negative growth rates for a number of reasons. Here is a compilation of some reasons why your might have stopped growing and some tips to help out.

Hair Breakage: While it might seem that your hair is not growing, in reality, this could actually be due to the fact that there is hair breakage once it reaches a certain length. Bleaching, showering, brushing, and roughly handling one’s hair can lead to dryness and brittleness, which in turn cause hair breakage. Your hair grows half an inch every month, and if it breaks off at the same rate, there will be little or no growth at all. This is why it appears that your hair has stopped growing.

Wednesday 20 July 2016


To so many ladies here, our greatest challenge is growing our edges.You see,am with you in this and so i thought of embarking on a 3-month challenge to improve my edges.
If you're interested and wanna join the train,below are the rules:
1.Take a pix of your edges before embarking on the challenge
2.No fixing of weavon
3.No braids. If at all you must braid, avoid ur edges!
4.If u must use wigs, avoid wigs that will tightly grip ur edges
5.Enough consumption of fruits,Veggies and water
6.Daily edge massage (a gentle massage in circular motion is advised)
7.Avoid stress and anxiety
8.Faithfulness and commitment is the key to this challenge.


Known as one of the world’s healthiest snacks, tiger nuts are high in iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin E.. Tiger nuts are also called chufa nuts and have a nutty taste similar to coconuts. This milky, nutty tasting tuber is plentiful in Nigeria and can also be found in the Spanish drink horchata. This ancient super-food is extremely high in fiber, iron, potassium, and vitamins C and E. As a matter of fact, tiger nuts have as much iron as red meat, as much potassium as coconut water. They are allergen free, gluten free, dairy free, and chocked full of resistant starch, which is a type of fiber that is pre-biotic.

They help to stimulate the immune system by preventing cardiovascular diseases, stroke and cancer. the nuts have essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron. the minerals are used to build strong bones and muscles; repaired tissues and helped the blood stream. “Tiger nuts are often cultivated for its edible tubers.

‘’ In Nigeria, the Hausas call it ‘Aya’; Yorubas call it ‘Ofio’; the Igbos, ‘imumu’ or ‘aki Hausa’; while the Hausas make a drink called Kunun Aya from it,’’ In China, tiger nut juice is used as a liver tonic and heart stimulant. The nuts contains a lot of oleic acid which helps to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride, adding that it also prevents hardening of the arteries. It helps to prevent constipation because it aided proper digestion. “ Tiger nuts contain enough protein and carbohydrates. It contains a good quantity of vitamin B1, which assists in balancing the central nervous system and helps to encourage the body to adapt to stress. Its used to treat stomach pain, aid normal menstruation, adding that it helped to heal mouth and gum ulcers.

Saturday 16 July 2016

10 Top Home Remedies For Itchy Scalp

1. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil, with its powerful natural antifungal, anti-inflammation and antibacterial properties, can be used to treat itchy scalp. You can use tea tree oil in various ways, for instance: You can add 10 to 20 drops of tea tree oil to one-half cup of baby shampoo and use it daily until the condition of your scalp improves.

Another option is to dilute two or three drops of tea tree oil in one tablespoon of vegetable oil and massage the mixture onto your scalp. With regular use, this remedy will heal a dry, itchy scalp within a week or two.

Wednesday 29 June 2016


Often referred to as the Miracle Oil or Liquid Gold, Argan oil is a fantastic natural sunscreen, heat protectant and an intensive repair treatment all in one! In fact, if you’re looking for a multi-purpose natural #hair product, this is something you should definitely try. It will improve the elasticity of your dry, brittle hair, help reduce the frizziness of your locks making them softer and more manageable, repair damaged tresses and reduce further breakage as well as aidhair growth! Sounds unbelievable? No wonder#Argan oil is one of the most popular natural oils for hair!

A well known secret of hair growth, beautiful healthy hair and healthy scalp - this natural oil for hair is a product ladies swear by! Give it a go in case you’re into organic hair care and love to experiment with natural#hairproducts or in case you wish to try something new. #Coconut oilworks wonders for both dry and oily scalp, promoting that healthy balance, helping your damaged hair regain its natural shine and vitality, protecting it from both inside and outside!



Cod liver oil has been used for hundreds of years for a number of ailments and preventative measures. While cod liver oil has not been specifically tested for its effectiveness as a hair growth agent, it does have several properties that may help with your hair growth. You should speak with your physician before beginning to take cod liver oil.

Cod Liver Oil Properties
Cod liver oil is an excellent source of vitamins A and D, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps with cell growth and the immune system. Cod liver oil is often used as a treatment to relieve the symptoms of arthritis and for improved cardiovascular health. The University of California, Berkeley’s Wellness Guide to Dietary Supplements reports that cod liver oil may help reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke in people who have previously had a heart attack or are considered high risk for cardiovascular problems.


The other day when i felt like spending the change (money) i had on me, i thought, 'what should i buy that might be beneficial to me? Chewing Gum? NO, Pin-Pop and Milk? NO, then what?' Then the idea came in suddenly, "COD LIVER OIL", i suddenly became excited.

But, the REAL QUESTION is, do i know HOW TO USE Cod Liver Oil? I'm not that sure, all i know is that it promotes hair growth, so i took the prescribed dosage and swallowed it, and that's all! I understand that this is the mentality of most naturalistas (no offence), so, i was going through some files and came across the use of Cod Liver Oil for hair growth:
Using cod liver oil for hair can make hair stronger, promote hair growth and minimize hair loss. Many of the benefits of this oil come from the nutrients it contains. These nutrients help promote overall health, and overall health is an important part of maintaining healthy hair. A key benefit of cod liver oil for hair is that it contains OMEGA-3 fatty acids and high levels of vitamins A and D. All three are known to help promote general health.


Most NATURALISTAS just hear abbreviated words and terms, but do not understand the full meanings, so i coined some i got from a Facebook Page:

TWA: teeny weeny afro
LOC: liquid oil cream
ACV: apple cider vinegar
EVOO: extra virgin olive oil
EVCO: extra virgin coconut oil
APL: arm pit length
CoWash: (conditioner wash) to wash hair with conditioner
DC: deep conditioning
EO; essential oil
EL: ear length
HOTD: hair of the day
JBCO: jamaican black castor oil
MBL: mid back length
NG: new growth
NL: neck length
PrePoo(pre shampoo): any treatment you apply to your hair before shampoo
SL: shoulder length
WL: waist length
BC: big chop
PS : protective style
BTR : Black Tea Rinse
HOT: Hot Oil Treatment
SHAM: WASH : Washing your hair with shampoo
BHD : Bad Hair Day

Baggying – Putting on your moisturizer and then applying a plastic bag over the hair to trap the moisture in.

Braid-Out – Braiding your hair in sections for a period of time, usually overnight, and unbraiding to release waves and curls, great heat-free style.

Twist Out - This twisting your hair in sections for a period of time, usually over night then untwisting in order to create defined twist.

Breakage - Broken pieces of hair without the white bulb. This can be caused by too much moisture or protein, hair accessories, and poor hair care practices.

Carrier oil - Known as base oil or vegetable oil, is used to dilute essentials. Examples include coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, castor oil, jojoba oil, etc.

Deep conditioning –Applying a conditioner specifically formulated to penetrate the cuticle of the hair; helps revive dull lifeless hair thus giving it more strength, elasticity, moisture, softness, and shine. It is a good way of replenishing lost moisture in the hair leaving it less prone to breakage and unmanageability.

Dusting - A very light trim.

Humectants – Attract and retain moisture from the air i.e. Glycerin, Honey, Sorbitol, Propylene Glycol.

Leave-in Conditioner – A quick way of adding moisture back into the hair after shampooing/conditioning. It helps to detangle the hair leaving it soft and manageable.

Line of Demarcation - Where the natural hair and relaxed hair meet as your hair grows; the point where your new growth meets your previously chemically treated hair. This location can be very delicate so be very gentle when stretching.

Low Manipulation – Styles that do not require much manipulation which leads to less shedding and breakage which eventually leads to healthier hair.

Moisturizing – Applying a moisture based product to dry hair without washing it out. You can use a water-based or cream based moisturizer 1-2x per day. This helps to prevent breakage and increase elasticity in the hair.

Protective Styling – Wearing your hair up in a style that doesn’t put strain on your edges/nape and keeps your ends off of your back & protected from outside elements, i.e. Buns, Clips, Pony Tails etc.

Sealing – Using a natural oil to lock in the moisture after you’ve moisturized the hair i.e. Coconut Oil, Castor Oil, Safflower Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil; Using an oil over the moisturizer will allow your hair to stay moisturized longer.

Shedding - Strands of hair with white bulbs on the root. Hair sheds 150 strands per day on average. If you notice excessive shedding, examine your diet – lack of protein, anemia, dehydration can all cause shedding. If it continues, see your physician.

Spritz - A Spritz is a hair spray containing 80% water and 20% Oils (e.g coconut, olive,castor, grapeseed oils etc). It is used to Moisturize your hair. U can also add some leave-in conditioner or aloe vera to it. U spray this on your hair day and night or as often as your hair feels dry.

Transitioning - In stead of chopping off all of your chemically treated hair, you let your hair grow without getting more relaxers with the intent of going natural.

Wash & Go (W&G or WNG) - To wash or co-wash your hair, add a styler cream or gel by shingling in, shake and Go. Let your hair air dry and go or dry using a diffuser.

PS: You can comment on the terms that are not listed above and corrections are welcome.

Naptural Teenager

Tuesday 28 June 2016


Want to go natural without doing the Big Chop?  
Transitioning to natural hair is a simple process of growing out your natural texture before cutting off the processed or damaged ends.
1. Don't set a time just yet: You don't have to know when you'll rock your 100% natural hair right away! Give yourself about 4 months — by then, you should have enough growth to get excited!

Saturday 5 December 2015

4 Amazing Oils For Healthy Skin and Hair

Raw Shea Butter

Not technically an oil, shea butter can be melted down into an oil if desired, but its thick, buttery properties are the reasons a lot of people love it. It's a wonderful sealant and mixes well with other oils on this list, making it easier to apply.

Shea butter is a great moisturizer for skin and hair. Unrefined or raw shea butter is ready to use directly on skin or hair without any need for further processing. Furthermore, you can mix it with different natural ingredients to make a whipped shea butter or other great recipes.

For Hair: Raw shea butter provides moisture to dry and damanged hair and skin, it repairs natural hair breakage and itchy skin. Raw shea butter is able to smooth and soften afro hair strands, it does not cause buildup, it helps you if you have scalp issues: e.g. drandruff, eczema or dermatitis. It acts like a shield to protect your hair and skin against sunlight. This butter can also protect your hair getting heat damage

Tuesday 1 December 2015

My Hair Journey Into 2016!!!

It’s finally the last month of the year (December, 2015) and we all can celebrate the end of a beautiful 2015. If you started your natural hair journey this year, I am sure you are happy that you have decided to make the transition to natural hair and this year has taught you the dos and don’ts of natural hair. I will share some of my best natural hair tips that you can take into 2016.

#1: Your hair will not grow overnight.
I know this is cliché but patience is very important when you are going through your natural hair journey. You will see many naturals that may have longer hair than you. You must remember that their hair did not grow in a day. It took time and patience to get to that point. If you stick to this rule you will definitely appreciate the process.

Tips On How To Grow Your Hair Long...

Long hair is an age-old beauty trend that will always be in style. Unfortunately, getting super long hair isn't always easy. Whether your hair is long or short, you can try many of these methods at once to help your hair grow incredibly long. Not only will the length of your hair increase, but the health of your strands will improve too.

1. Don't trim your hair every month: Some hairstylists will tell you to cut an inch to half an inch off hair every month, but honestly this will do you no good. Why, you may ask? Because, your hair grows a half an inch every month, so by cutting an inch to half an inch off every month, your hair basically will never grow. But, before you start trying to grow out your long locks, make sure your hair is healthy and not damaged. Hair growth starts at the roots, but hair damage is concentrated near the tips. Prevent the damage from traveling up the shaft of your hair by stopping it in its tracks and hacking it off the ends. So, in theory make sure to cut all your damaged hair off before you start trying to grow long hair, because damaged, long hair is not pretty.

Why Is My Hair Falling Off? Major Causes...

 Shedding a little part of your hair while combing/brushing is normal for ladies, but when it gets serious it becomes a cause of concern for you. Losing hair normally doesn’t have much effect on your appearance or warmth, as your head has plenty more to make up for the daily loss. But there may be a more significant reason for your hair loss when you start seeing your scalp or bald spots.

When you think of hair loss, you may think of the genetic factors, like male pattern baldness. Hormones, thyroid problems, infections, medications, and other diseases can all cause hair loss too. As a lady who once experienced it and also learnt from many peoples experience, i have come to shed some light on what i understood so far about hair loss:

