Monday 26 March 2018


1. ASK YOURSELF: Before you start working on any task, ask yourself the following three questions:
- Is this the best use of my time at the moment?
- Do i know where to start from?
- Am I using this task as an excuse to avoid working on something else that’s more important?

2. KEEP ASKING YOURSELF: “What needs to be done next?”. You don’t have to wait until you have a perfect, detailed plan of how you’re going to achieve your goal before you begin to act. Simply center yourself in the moment and ask yourself:
“What’s right in front of me?”
“What can I do right now to move forward, even if it’s just by a little bit?”
Always continue to move forward, even if it’s just by one inch at a time.

3. STOP TELLING YOURSELF: That you have to wait until you’re “in the mood” before you take action. As an illustration, if you want to be a writer, you have to set a time at which you’re going to write, at least every weekday. At said time, you sit down and you begin to write. Even if you don’t feel inspired, and you don’t feel like writing, you get to it.
In much the same way, you have to take consistent action toward the attainment of your objectives, whether you feel like it or not.

4. SET A TIMER: When you’re going to start working on a task which you’ve been avoiding, set a timer for a specific amount of time. For example, forty minutes, and tell yourself that you will not take your focus off the task until the timer rings. When the timer rings, take a short break; then, set the timer for another forty minutes, continue your job and repeat the step until you have finally completed it.

5. SET DEADLINES FOR EACH TASK YOU TAKE UP: Suppose that your lecturer assigns you a project that’s due in three weeks. Instead of focusing on the three-weeks deadline, break the project down into subtasks, and set a deadline for each subtask. That way, you can make sure that you work steadily on the project during the three month period, instead of leaving everything to the last minute.

With the above set tips, you should be able to successfully dock procrastination and work on a successful work-free future!

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