Thursday 29 March 2018

I'm scared of falling in love again

Yeah...very afraid!
I just have to admit it to myself. I'm scared of falling in love.
Most people would say I'm too young to know what love is, afterall I'm only eighteen, but I believe the lessons and experiences start from the teenage years.

I admire the whites for a lot of things which includes giving freedom to their offspring to go out and know what life is like out there. Rich or poor...the kids start dating at a very young age and most of them even leave home to get independent at eighteen.

Truth be told, most African kids too get independent at a rather younger age, owing to the fact that their parents struggle to provide for the family;  or the kids are orphaned; or some other reason, and then the kids are pushed out to experience the world at a rather younger age and they hustle really hard just to feed themselves.

But, freedom is different from freedom!

When I mean good freedom, I mean the kind whereby the kids and teenagers are supervised by some specific set of people, relatives or parents while engaging in life changing activities.

When I say freedom that influences negatively, that is the type that a child is left to his/her own world with no positive support whatsoever, - a kind of freedom where an orphaned child has been abandoned by the government and distant relatives.

Obviously, there are kids abandoned by their parents in other countries too and they mostly resort to violence, so also in Africa...but honestly, they resort to violence because of the fear of being abandoned and left all alone again, to defend themselves and probably to show that they are no weakling.

With the hurt in them, they end up being comforted by other street thugs and end up being brainwashed and influenced negatively. They were also conceived by women and probably left in the streets after birth. Lots of women abandon their children in garbage and the children end up taken in by one of the needy people and then sometimes trained to fight the wrong way, to hurt people, to kill, to steal, and to destroy just in defense!

Most of the kids grow to be stone hearted fathers, mothers, spouses, men, etc. And are unable to show any bit of love to their offspring or spouses or loved ones just because of the way they fought hard to survive on the streets.

If you have a roof on your head, even though it was made with mud, wood, sticks, grateful!

Love has roots in all places, globally, internationally and streetwise!
Though I wasn't raised to hate people, but with the amount of hate out there, I'm scared to like someone, I'm scared to fall in love because of the unending hurt.

Fortunately, my parents are the best life could offer to me and they are real love inspirations.  But unfortunately, I'm used to comparing both the positive and negative sides of life.

I have a friend who has been sexually harassed multiple times but refuses to tell her mom because instead of being comforted psychologically, she believes that her mom would only assist her in slipping into depression!
Seriously?? If your child can view you in that manner, then you are surely doing your job wrong!

Children are treasures and must be treated with love and care just the way eggs are carried. How do you feel when you see an egg all smashed on the floor, disgusted...right?

And yeah...that's honestly just how children are, when treated wrong...the end product is messed up, it affects them psychologically and mentally...even physically.

Whatever decision you make today will undoubtedly affect the generation that comes with tomorrow! Therefore, I urge parents to reach out to children and building a positive future.

Stay positive!
Vycky Spells...

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